About Us
Since our inception in 1989, Society of Friends of Chinook Regional Hospital (Friends) has grown from a tiny nook in the wall, too small for a wheelchair, to a robust retail operation offering thousands of items. The television program has expanded from a humble 30 sets to over 200 currently in service.
Overseen by a volunteer board, Friends is committed to deploying our resources as efficiently and effectively as possible, to support programs important to the patient experience. Over the years Friends has purchased medical equipment and provided program funding to Volunteer Resources and Healing Arts totalling well over one million dollars.
Friends continue to find ways to enhance the hospital community through the efforts of dedicated staff and volunteers.
Friends of Chinook Regional Hospital relies on the support of many dedicated volunteers including our Board of Directors, Gift Shop cashiers, and our Craft Club–responsible for the hand-crafted items sold at the Friends of Chinook Regional Hospital Gift Shop.
At Chinook Regional Hospital, Friends is proud to participate and support Alberta Health Services in its efforts to foster volunteerism.
Find out more about volunteer opportunities with Friends of Chinook Regional Hospital by contacting Alberta Health Services Volunteer Resources.
Email: volunteer.lethbridge@ahs.ca
Phone: 403-388-6311
Friends is overseen by a volunteer board. Directors serve up to a maximum of two, three-year terms. The board meets ten times yearly, not including committee meetings, to ensure Friends continues to meet its mission and remains sustainable. Each Director participates in at least two of five committees: Executive, Finance, Human Resources, Funding Allocations, and Scholarship.
For more information, including how to become a board member, please contact 403-388-6139.

- Priyanshi Patel – President
- Joel Bermack – Vice President
- Brian Sullivan – Secretary Treasurer
- Uvindu Abeysekara – Past President
- Daniel Erickson – Executive Director
- Sheryl Duncan – Director
- Audrey Reti – Director
- Bette Hogg – Director
- Tarlan Goharian – Director
- Ruth Gronemeyer – Director
- Om Parekh– Director
- James Ostoya – AHS Representative
- Carmelle Steel – AHS Representative
- Hilary Holt – AHS Representative